
Past events

We archive some events in the event archive. We do not keep in the archives repeated events of church services.

May 2024

24-26. May

David & Robin Weidner’s seminar

How to bring change in your life? What to do if we want change but don’t believe it’s possible? You can get answers to these and other questions related to change at a seminar based on biblical teaching and science that is in line with the Bible.

5. May

Sunday Church Service

Speaker Mark Kang (Detroiti, USA).

April 2024

27-28. April

Nelijärve puhkekeskus

Women’s retreat Nelijärvel

Topic “Peace”.

Contact us

You want to participate in an event, but you have a question about the place, participation, the event itself or some other topic related to the event. Please write to us and we will answer you.